Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Simple Tips Than Can Help Lower Energy Bills

Homeowner are always looking for ideas and ways to keep their energy bills minimum. If you are a future homeowner or thinking building your dream home there are things you might consider that can lower your bills and save money. 

1. Lower the temperature of your water tank

The Energy Department indicates that for every 10 degree you reduce your water heater temperature you definitely save up to 3 to 5 percent on your monthly bills.  They recommend that you keep the temperature to 120 degree.

2. Reduce shower time

Everybody in your household can easily follow this simple tip. Reducing the shower time can really saves you a lot, not just  from your water bills but mostly your electric bills.  Most of  us also enjoy having a warm and relaxing bath every day after a very hectic schedule.  You can bring your energy bills down by reducing your bath time.  Instead of doing it daily, maybe you just want to try every other day or maybe once a week.

East TN builder recommend to switch to a tankless water heater instead of a conventional water system.  

3. Use your dishwasher effectively

Scraping left over from your plates before loading it, will help your dishwater run effectively and efficiently.  Only runs it when full and make you sure you check the different settings on your machine . 

4. Heat  traps for water tank

Another inexpensive way  that can help you save especially during conl or winter season is by installing heat traps for your water heater.  TN Construction company indicates that these heat traps  are valves that prevents your heated water from flowing out of your tank.

5. consider energy efficient appliances 

Any Custom home builders will highly recommend installing an energy efficient appliances.  A stove or refrigerator with a energy star logo indicates that it has high energy efficiency and can really save you a lot by reducing your electric use.  A water fixtures with WaterSense logo can help you lower your water bills and your energy consumption.

If you are thinking remodeling your home or planning to build your dream home and need some assistance. Elick Combs  and his staffs at Big City Remodeling are very glad to provide their experience and knowledge to make your dream home into reality. Check their website at or call their office at (865)216-0223.


Tuesday, 14 November 2017

Do You Want a Fully Customized Home or Office? Read This!


An effective way to express your creativity is through remodeling your house. You can do this on your own or with the assistance of a professional company. One such company is Big City Remodeling. Located in Sevierville, Tennessee, this company does the construction of houses from the ground up. They are able to handle both residential and commercial buildings. Many of their clients are in the Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge areas. Here is more about the services provided by Big City Remodeling.

About the company

Big City Remodeling has been operating ever since 1999. The company normally performs remodeling projects. They also build structures from the ground up. Owned by Elick Combs, the company pays attention to detail. They also create the trim work for their projects in-house. In addition to structure construction, they also build customized furniture for clients. Examples of these are table-tops, cabinets, closets, wardrobes and dining areas too.


This Sevierville contractor provides a number of services for its clients. Examples of these services are:

1.    Constructing cabins and customized homes

2.    House remodeling

3.    Making rustic furniture

4.    Customized finishing work


The technicians in this home builder in Pigeon Forge normally go an extra mile whenever they are working on a project. They are trained, insured, and bonded. They design houses that can survive environmental changes. As such, the structures which they build can last for decades. In every project which they undertake, the company follows the required building codes.